Chronic Pain

How NUCCA Chiropractic Method Can Help You with Chronic Pain

The Facts and Figures You Need To Know

If you are one of the fifty million Americans that live their daily lives with chronic pain, you already know that it is has reached epidemic proportions in the USA and elsewhere. You can become a sufferer by doing something or nothing.

The causes which include diseases, disorders and accidents are as varied as the levels of pain that people experience. At least twenty-five million Americans suffer from the most drastic form of chronic pain, which is known as Acute Pain.

These people often acquire that condition through surgery or because they have been involved in an accident of one type or another.

At least two thirds of the people that suffer from the silent epidemic of pain have been living with it for five years or more. The most common types of chronic pain include arthritis, lower back, bone/joint pain, muscle pain and fibromyalgia.

These conditions affect the everyday lives of millions by causing a substantial loss of productivity and reducing their quality of life. A research study completed in the year 2000 reveals that at least thirty-six million Americans were forced to miss work the year before due to chronic pain.

Another eighty-three million indicated that they were unable to participate in various activities because of it.

“We certainly cannot succeed as a culture by continuing to deny and ignore pain, as if we could silence it beneath a mountain of pills.” David Morris author of “The Culture of Pain”.

Medical Approach Chronic Pain Treatment

Medication is a substantial part of the medical approach to the problem of acute and chronic pain. Choices range from often used medications like simple aspirin for average sufferers or morphine for more extreme cases, to newer medications like celecoxib (Celebrex).

Researchers have developed techniques for using old drugs more effectively and identified newer classes of medications that intercept pain in novel ways. For example, today’s targeted drug formulations disrupt the transmission of acute and chronic pain signals with less interference on other systems.

These refined delivery methods allow more of the drug to reach the actual source of the pain. That makes it possible to use smaller doses and still achieve the same results. These kinds of advancements mean more effective pain control with fewer side effects.

The NUCCA Approach to Chronic Pain Treatment

People that suffer from a medical disorder that continues for a long period of time and gets progressively worse are in some sort of a chronic degenerative cycle. Whether the condition comes and goes, or remains constant, this cycle requires two things in order to provide a successful solution to reversing its degenerative nature and to bring about chronic pain relief:

1. An approach that incorporates complete health empowerment.
2. An approach that requires time to heal.

This method reduces stress and empowers the nervous system, which is the life force of the body. It is a realistic and effective approach to reversing the effects of long-term illness when compared to the medical model which provides mostly short-term pain relief through medication.

The NUCCA approach starts with correction, stability, symmetry and strength. It continues with education that teaches the patient new and healthy habits which have the potential to restore a weakened body to the state of strength it once possessed. This kind of treatment is a long term and highly effective solution to the problem of chronic pain that requires time and diligence.